Adams Houses for Mr Zainudeen Hussain 2014
Sri Lanka
Adams Houses for Mr.Zainudeen Hussain
Ideally located at 57,Grousalt Road , in the heart of the Jaffna City in a highly sought after neighborhood, Adams Homes borders the Jaffna National Highway(Kandy Road) and is surrounded by reputed schools. Institutions, churches, kovils and other places of worship. This venture is the first ever luxury housing development project in Jaffna .It features 07 uniquely designed individual house units which are situated on 7 perch & 8 perch land plots. The houses are equipped with complete Air-conditioning , Hot water systems, pressurized water supply, pantry cupboard units, refrigerators, hob & ex > more
Sri Lanka
Adams Houses for Mr.Zainudeen Hussain
Ideally located at 57,Grousalt Road , in the heart of the Jaffna City in a highly sought after neighborhood, Adams Homes borders the Jaffna National Highway(Kandy Road) and is surrounded by reputed schools. Institutions, churches, kovils and other places of worship. This venture is the first ever luxury housing development project in Jaffna .It features 07 uniquely designed individual house units which are situated on 7 perch & 8 perch land plots. The houses are equipped with complete Air-conditioning , Hot water systems, pressurized water supply, pantry cupboard units, refrigerators, hob & ex > more